Goldsands Hotel & Resort Management Sdn Bhd (1361096-W) is strategically located at the bayou of the Kuah River in the center of the Langkawi Archipelago, looming over the estuary that opens out to the Straits of Malacca.
Ние ви нудиме
Located at 13th floor which is on our rooftop level, this one of our dining outlet will completed your day. Surrounding by mesmerizing and lush view of Kuah Town and the island, you will enjoy moment on beautiful sunset or night breeze with our state of the art sound system. We offered Hi – Tea, Dinner as well Supper, or for your special event. You may choose our variety of selection from our menu or sit with us for your special requirement.
Operation Hours:
Open: 5 PM
Close: 12 AM
Begin your day with our selection of healthy breakfast at our main restaurant locate in 1st floor. Or celebrate your achievement by enjoying your group lunch with us. With more than 140 seating capacity, we will able to chartered your need. Get out lunch set selection or choose from a variety of menu offered for for dine-in or in room dining.
Operation Hours:
Open: 7 AM
Close: 11 PM
- телевизор со рамен екран
- сателитска телевизија
- клима уред
- пегла
- фен
- када
- туш
- биде
- пешкири за капење
- поглед кон град
- телефон
- Wi-Fi
- два кревети за по едно лице
- огледало
- закачалки
- гардеробер
- даска за пеглање
- минибар
- звучно изолирана соба
- «King size» кревет
- балкон
- брачен кревет
- поглед кон море
- три кревети за по едно лице